Mediterranean Hope Reaches Calabria


From September a new activity of the MH a Refugee and Migrant Programme by the FCEI will take place in Rosarno. This initiative will focus on helping exploited migrants in the working camps as well as supporting slavery-free companies and products.

Roma (NEV), August 22, 2019 – Following the Observatory in Lampedusa, the reception activities in Scicli and the humanitarian corridors from Lebanon, a new challenging project by MH, the Refugee and Migrant Programme by the FCEI will involve the exploited farm workers of Calabria starting from the sadly knows village of Rosarno. The project will open a help and assistance desk for farm workers and will start a series of social, informative and cultural interventions. The initiative is intended to promote a respectable and ethical work as well as slavery-free products to ensure dignified rights and working conditions for those working in agriculture.

«Our work in Calabria starts from the comparison with the realities that directly know the needs of migrants and exploited workers. Starting from these relationships with those who have already operated in the area, we will propose a moving help desk to assist workers about social rights, and a school of Italian to promote an initiative that has been already started in the working camp of Rosarno. In addition to these two activities, we want to support regular and respectable working paths as well as companies and products that respect people’s rights.» Paolo Naso, coordinator of Mediterranean Hope, Refugee and Migrant Programme by the FCEI said.

As part of the MH Calabrian project, on 22 and 23 October, there will be also held a conference in Reggio Calabria and San Ferdinando, entitled “Ma che arance mangi? Mezzogiorno, agricoltura, immigrazione” (But what oranges do you eat? South, agriculture, immigration), to which will participate representatives of working sectors, social forces, representatives of the world of culture and journalism, trade unionism, the third sector, reality and testimonies of those who are involved in agriculture and struggle against workers exploitation.

Here the provisional programme of the initiative: Programma-Provvisorio-Ma-che-arance-mangi.pdf

To participate at the conference by Sept. 15:;

For information about Rosarno project: