Letter from Taurianova Farmworkers

8th April 2020 – Here we publish the letter which farmworkers from the Taurianova settlement, Contrada Russo, Calabria, delivered to us this morning, asking us to publish it more widely:

“We, farmworkers of the settlement of Taurianova Contrada Russo, assembled together after receiving a police notice confirming eviction, have decided to address this letter to the Italian government, thereby intimating our decision to seek:

  1. regularisation of all farmworkers present on Italian territory;
  2. transfer to houses, aware that the situation of emergency in which we are living does not permit us to take care of our health or of public health;
  3. compliance with an employment contract, a fair wage, and an end to exploitation;
  4. annulment of the “security package” which makes us become “irregular”.