gennaio, 2024
22genTutto il giorno24People on the moveRoma, casa valdese

Dettagli dell'evento
Rome consultation Hosted by the Federation of Protestant Church in Italy in collaboration with PCUSA and Global Ministries UCC/Disciples and their partners in Europe and the Middle East People on the move January 21-25,
Di Più
Dettagli dell'evento
Rome consultation
Hosted by the Federation of Protestant Church in Italy in collaboration with
PCUSA and Global Ministries UCC/Disciples and their partners in Europe and the Middle East
People on the move
January 21-25, 2024
The conference will be an opportunity for select partners in Europe and the Middle East of the Presbyterian
Church(USA), the United Church of Christ and the Disciples, and the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy to
come together to share their work on internally displaced, migrant and refugee justice in their context and
collectively. The program will include panel presentations and small group activities as participants plan for future
work together. Conference hosts will work together to determine and facilitate conversations between church and
migrant communities, political figures, and activists. Partners will be invited to present work they have engaged
with around migrant ministry and US denominational staff will share the work of US churches to find common and
divergent challenges.
The event will focus on the following objectives:
• We will make space for people on the move’s voices to be centered allowing them to speak for themselves
giving voice to the marginalized
1. This representing a deeper commitment to mutual partnership in solidarity where we learn, advocate,
and grow together
• Develop action steps that are contextual
1. This will be accomplished by hearing from impacted persons and gathering as a Global Ecumenical
The above objectives will be accomplished by the following:
• Root causes/forced migration: Church leaders gathered at this consultation will explore root causes centered
on racism, poverty, militarism, and ecojustice alongside how these factors impact, influence, and interact
with forced migration/people on the move
1. This will be accomplished by exploring case studies and what organizations are doing to address root
2. We will examine case studies on what organizations are doing to welcome people on the move and
build vibrant community centers for displaced persons
• Work toward Welcome
1. Alongside impacted voices we will hear from countries hosting and welcoming refugees both in
Europe and the Middle East
2. Additionally we will hear from partners and organizations hosting and welcoming with internally
displaced persons
• Reengaging youth
1. How can the church continue to build vibrant congregations and communities to reengage younger
generations who are leaving the church yet have influential voices on the impacts of racism, poverty,
militarism, and ecojustice related to internal displacement of people, migration, and refugees
The event will be held in Rome January 21-25, 2024 for a four-day conference, including opportunities for exposure.
At the end of the conference, participants will work on proposals to discern how to continue working collectively,
and fully engage in advocacy at different levels. The meeting will also include a cultural event when participants and
migrant communities will be able to share about their country and traditions.
gennaio 22 (Lunedì) - 24 (Mercoledì)